The Kingdom of Terre Neuve 

Per pale Azure and Gules, a pale Argent and over all a crown Or The kingdom of Terre Neuve blue white and red streamerThe kingdom of Terre Neuve blue white and red streamer

The Kingdom of Terre Neuve

Fortis et Fidus

Strong and Faithful

Online Roll of Arms

Corleone Cuore del Leone D'Oiche Durnil Eagles Roost Gla' Morn Adel
Hospitaler Pueri Optimi Ramnstein Remembrance The Roses Valhalla Y Ddraig ap Rhyfel
Della Testa dei Cavalli Dreki Lopt Greystoke Spire Heights
Anwnn Terre Amata
Terre Neuve Terre Neuve Holy Order of the Guardians of the Heart Royal Order of the Mirthful Boar Royal Order of the Owl Royal Order of the Rising Star of Terre Neuve Imperial Order of the Lion Royal Order of the Crown Companion (Ministry) Imperial Order of the Crown Companion (non-knight) Imperial Order of the Table Round Imperial Order of the Croix-Fleuris Imperial Order of the Quill Royal Order of the Celestial Raven Noble Order of the Rosebud - Red Rose of Courtliness Knights of the Olde Code Royal Order of the Whimsies Royal Order of the Crown Companion (Arts) Royal Order of the Crown Companion (Archery) Royal Order of the Crown Companion of Terre Neuve Royal Order of the Crown Companion of Terre Neuve Royal Order of the Lion Royal Order of the Quill Royal Order of the Star Buck of Umbria Royal Order of the Harp Imperial Order of the Harp Royal Order of Gaston Royal Order of the Acorn Royal Order of the Argent Acorn Royal Order of the Builders Ambassador of Terre Neuve Royal Order of the Golden Scorpion Royal Order of the Laurel Crown Noble Order of the Crown Guard Royal Order of the Eternal Bowman Royal Order of the Guardians of the Dream Royal Order of the Oak Tree Royal Order of the Olive Branch Royal Order of the Pick & Shovel Royal Order of the Talbot Royal Order of the Champions of Terre Neuve Royal Order of the Pied Piper Imperial Order of the Comet Imperial Order of the Nebula Royal Order of the Golden Spoon Grant of Armorial Bearing Imperial Order of the Fleur—de—Lis Imperial Order of St. Joan Royal Order of the Sacrificial Lamb 

Iglesias de los Soldados The Order of the Hospital of Saint Bella of Jerusalem Royal Order of the Sacrificial Lamb Paladin of the Order of St. Bela The Order of the Teutonic Knights
of St. Mary's Hospital in Jerusalem 


Dame Ahlma Holgomoe
Dame Ahlma Holgomoe arms: Per fess embattled Azure and Or, a lion dormant born to base Sable. Dame Ahlma Holgomoe arms: Per bend embattled Or and Azure, a lion dormant born to base Sable. 
Dame Aileen Bristow
Dame Aileen Bristow arms: Vert, a butterfly Argent 
Sir Angus McLean de McDonnon
Sir Angus McLean de McDonnon arms: Quarterly Gules and pean, 1st and 4th an eagle's head erased Or Sir Angus McLean de McDonnon arms: [Fieldless] An eagle head erased Or langued Gules 
Dame Anne Bryce of Kincraig
Dame Anne Bryce of Kincraig arms: Vert, fretty Argent, on a chief Argent three chaplets Vert Dame Anne Bryce of Kincraig arms: [fieldless] A chaplet Argent leaved Vert 
Dame Babette Bryn Corey
Dame Babette Bryn Corey arms: Vert, a wolf statant and on a bordure Argent a semy of maple leaves Gules 
Beatrice Lucrezia Asra Vannozza von Ramnstein
Beatrice von Ramnstein arms: Per bend Argent and Purpure, two unicorn heads erased respectant counterchanged Beatrice von Ramnstein arms: Per bend Purpure and Argent, a unicorn Counterchanged. Beatrice von Ramnstein arms: Per bend Argent and Purpure, a bend per bend between two dragons 'von Ramnstein' all Counterchanged. Beatrice von Ramnstein arms: [Fieldless] a wolpertinger´s head erased armed Argent attired Proper. 
Squire Bjorn
Squire Bjorn arms: Per bend Argent and Azure, a bear rampant Sable. 
Sir Brunulf Hjalmarrsson
Sir Brunulf Hjalmarrsson arms: Azure, a lion`s head erased Argent within a bordure Or. 
Sir Burke Duncan Campbell II (ret.)
Sir Burke Duncan Campbel arms: Gyronny Sable and Or a skull Argent. 
Sir Callon Bryn Corey
Sir Callon Bryn Corey arms: Azure, three crosslets fitched at all points gyronny Or and Argent. Sir Callon Bryn Corey arms: Azure, three crosslets per gore fitched at all points gyronny Or and Argent. 
Celeste Orla
Celeste Orla arms: Quarterly Azure and Gules, two arrows in saltire surmounted by a sword Argent within an orle Or semi of roses Proper. 
Dame Ceridwenrose
Dame Ceridwenrose arms: Gules, on a bend Vert fimbriated Or between two boars statant Argent, a rose Or 
Sir Cledwyn ap Llanrwst
Sir Cledwyn ap Llanrwst arms: Per fess Argent and Azure, a tower Sable enflamed Gules. 
Sir Coda der Sohne des Drachen Sanguinarius Viggo Manfred Wolfram von Ramnstein
Sir Coda von Ramnstein arms: [Fieldless] a dragon contourne disclosed expanded and nowed Azure. Sir Coda von Ramnstein arms: Per pale Or and Argent, a Dragon von Ramnstein between three Latin crosses clechy all Azure. Sir Coda von Ramnstein arms: Argent, a wolf's head caboshed Sable orbed Goutte d'Or armed Argent. Sir Coda von Ramnstein arms: Per pale Or and Argent, three Latin crosses clechy one and two Azure. 
Donald Durnil
Donald Durnil arms: Argent, on a bend between two fleur-de-lis' Azure, between two tridents Or a bear's head caboshed Argent. 
Sir Drakmar
Sir Drakmar arms: Argent, a fox contourney sejant between three annulets in pile Gules. 
Sir Duck A L'Orange
Sir Duck A L'Orange arms: Gules, on a chevron inverted Argent, three ducks naiant Sable. 
Dame Eilish
Dame Eilish arms: Purpure, two needles in saltire surmounted by a pair of scissors closed and inverted within a bordure Argent. Dame Eilish arms: Sable, two needles in saltire surmounted by a pair of scissors closed and inverted within a bordure Argent. 
Dame Elizabeth of Blackpoole
Dame Elizabeth of Blackpool arms: Azure, a lion double queued Or marked, orbed and armed Argent, langued Purpure sustaining a thistle Proper within a bordure engrailed Or. Dame Elizabeth of Blackpool arms: [Fieldless] a lion's head erased Or marked, orbed an darmed Argent sustaining in its fangs a thistle Proper. 
Sir Eric Svartr
Sir Eric Svartr arms: Per chevron Azure and Vert, a chevron between three mullets of twelve points Or 
Erik Harbinger
Erik Harbinger arms: Vert, three armored legs conjoined at the thigh arranged as a triskelion Argent. 
Euguran LaCroix von Hohenstaufen
Euguran LaCroix arms: Quarterly Purpure and Sable, a cinquefoil and in chief three escallops Or. 
Sir Finn Au Donna
Sir Finn Au Donna arms: Per bend sinister Purpure and Gules, an open book and in chief three daggers inverted Or. Sir Finn Au Donna arms: (Pending) Purpure, a dagger inverted Or. 
Page Fiona
Page Fiona arms: Per saltire Azure and Vert, a sun in his splendor Or 
Dame Freya Nic Essus
Dame Freya Nic Essus arms: Vert, between two wolf heads erased a bend sinister Argent surmounted by a feather bendwise-sinister Sable Dame Freya Nic Essus arms: Quarterly Or and Gules, a grenade enflamed and conjoined in cross counterchanged. 
Sir Fyodor Tyrsson
Sir Fyodor Tyrsson arms: Per saltire Azure and Sable, a wolf's head caboshed and in chief two ravens close respectant Argent. Sir Fyodor Tyrsson arms: Azure, a fess argent, overall a mullet of eight points sable 
Dame Gemma Evangelista Borgia
Dame Gemma Evangelista Borgia arms: Purpure, between a stag salient and an arrow bendwise inverted Argent a bend Sable fimbriated Argent 
Sir George Pollock (ret.)
Sir George Pollock (ret.) arms: Or, a raven displayed extended contourne Sable armed and legged Gules maintaining in its dexter talon a sword bendwise Argent and in its sinister talon a key bend-sinister-wise wards to base Azure. 
Sir Giovanni Benedictus du Pace
Sir Giovanni du Pace arms: Per chevron Sable and Argent, a chevron between in chief two lions heads caboshed Or and in base a fleur-de-lys Sable 
Dame Giulianna Elizabeta Veronica Johanna de Messina von Ramnstein
Dame Giulianna de Messina arms: [Fieldless] a pair of dragon wings conjoined in display surmounted by a rose Gules barbed and seeded Or. Dame Giulianna de Messina arms: Per bend Argent and Gules, a bend per bend between two roses Counterchanged seeded Or Dame Giulianna de Messina arms: Per bend Argent and Gules, a bend per bend Counterchanged. 
Dame Grayson Max Dotter
Dame Grayson arms: Per chevron Purpure and Azure, a chevron between in chief four suns and in base five suns Or. 
Dame Gunborg Andersdotter
Dame Gunborg Andersdotter arms: Azure, a Germanic panther rampant argent. Dame Gunborg Andersdotter arms: Sable, semy of seeblatt Or Dame Gunborg Andersdotter arms: Azure, a linden tree eradicated between two flaunches Or, each charged with a raven volant in chevron. 
Sir Hamish
Sir Hamish arms: Sable, a bear rampant contourne Argent armed, langued and embrued Gules, a bordure compony Gules 
Squire Inigo Caballero
Squire Inigo Caballero arms: Quarterly Sable and Gules, a horse Salient and in chief three wolf heads erased contorney Or. 
Isabel McDonnon
Isabel McDonnon arms: Per pale Azure and Vert a chalice Or 
Dame Isabella Cristofori
Dame Isabella Cristofori arms: Gules, a hawks lure Argent capped and strung Or and on a bordure Argent a semy of lozenges Vert. 
Dame Ishild Drekidottir
Dame Ishild Drekidottir arms: Per pale Vert and Sable, an oak tree blasted and eradicated between three dragonflies Argent. 
Sir Jason Barca
Sir Jason the Dirty arms: Quarterly Azure and Gules, two lightning bolts in saltire surmounted by a celtic cross Or 
Sir Johan "Warhammer" von Hohenstaufen Draconis Principalites etc. etc. etc.
Sir Johan von Hohenstaufen arms: Gules, two dragons passant respectant maintaining between them a warhammer Or Sir Johan von Hohenstaufen arms: Sable, two dragons passant respectant maintaining between them a warhammer Gules 
Dame Julia de Figueiredo
Dame Julia de Figueiredo arms: Per fess Purpure and Vert, a fess embattled Argent. 
Kalysta Rainbow Starsilver
Kalysta arms: Vert, a chevron Sable fimbriated between two unicorn heads erased and addorsed and a mullet of eight four greater and four lesser Argent 
Dame Kara Jonsdottir
Dame Kara Jonsdottir arms: Sable, two scimitars crossed in saltire Argent surmounted by a rose Proper, all within a border Argent. Dame Kara Jonsdottir arms: Argent, upon a roundel purpure throughout a winged sword inverted argent. 
Kodiak arms: Per pall inverted Gules, Sable and Argent, two poleaxes crossed in saltire Argent and in base a caduceus Sable. 
Leif arms: Purpure, a naked dexter arm in fess embowed Argent 
Lilianna Elise von Ramnstein
Lily von Ramnstein arms: Per bend Argent and Or a bend per bend Counterchanged fimbriated Gules between two roses Azure barbed and seeded Vert. 
Dame Lucille Anne Griffin
Dame Lucille arms: Vert, an eagle's leg erased in bend sinister grasping an arrow bendwise Or. 
Sir Madoc McDonnon
Sir Madoc McDonnon arms: Per chief Sable and Azure, a sheaf of arrows Argent. 
Dame Meira Leigh Barca
Dame Meira Leigh Barca arms: Per chevron inverted Azure and Ver, a chevron inverted and in chief a marten couchant contourne guardant Or. 
Millea The Haunted
Millea The Haunted arms: Azure, a chevron between two popinjays respectant volant and in base a jawless human skull all Argent. 
Dame Morgana the Red
Dame Morgana arms: Per pale Sable and Gules,  an owl and in chief a crescent and decrescent Argent. 
Dame Nadine Bryn Corey
Dame Nadine Bryn Corey arms: Purpure, upon a cross throughout Or a wolf sejant ululant Sable and in bend sinister two crosses clechy gyronny of eight Or and Argent 
Sir Nikolai McClean Belsky Von Hapsburg
Sir Nikolai Belsky arms: Sable, a scorpion rampant Purpure fimbriated Argent. 
Sir Padraigh McNeil
Sir Padraigh McNeil arms: Azure, a coney saliant and a chief embattled Argent. Sir Padraigh McNeil arms: Azure, in fess three coneys salient and a chief embattled Argent. 
Rayne arms: (Pending) Per bend Azure and Vert, a ray of the sun issuant bendwise from dexter chief between a phoenix Or enflamed Gules and a tree blasted and eradicated Or. 
Sir Rowan Barca
Sir Rowan Barca arms: Quarterly Azure and Gules, a stags head caboshed Or. 
Sheldon Durnil
Sheldon arms: (Pending) Azure, on a bend Argent a wyvern contourne disclosed Sable. 
Sir Siegfried von Aschaffenburg
Sir Siegfried arms: Per saltire gules and sable, a seven headed hydra rampant between three ram's horns Or 
Stan the blacksmith
Stan the blacksmith arms: (Pending) Argent, a chevron Vert and in base a hammer bend sinisterwise striking an anvil Sable. 
Sir Stefan Belski
Sir Stefan Belski arms: Purpure, an eagle striking within a burdure Argent. 
Sir Tailan Bran McNeil
Sir Tailan Bran McNeil arms: Per pale Vert and Sable, an annulet enfiled by a scimitar and in chief three decrescents Argent Sir Tailan Bran McNeil arms: Quarterly Azure and Arent four fleur—de—lis bases conjoined in cross counterchanged Sir Tailan Bran McNeil arms: (Pending) ~ Not on imperial site
'Sable, a lion tricorporate Or.' Sir Tailan Bran McNeil arms: Vert, a decrescent Argent 
Sir Tairdelbach Clannach
Sir Tairdelbach Clannach arms: Azure in saltire a sword proper and a rose inverted argent barbed, slipped and leaved Or. 
Sir Titus Draconis
Sir Titus Draconis arms: Per bend sable and azure, a stags head cabossed within a orle argent 
Tobias Bailey of D'Oiche
Tobias Bailey arms: Quarterly Gules and Sable, a tower between in bend two suns eclipsed Or. 
Sir Uther von Hopf
Sir Uther von Hopf arms: Quarterly Sable and Azure, 1st and 4th a cross formy Argent Sir Uther von Hopf arms: Ermine, on a fess Gules two annulets interlaced Or. 
Sir Valcoline
Sir Valcoline arms: Per bend sinister Sable and Gules upon an escutcheon Counterchanged three mallets Argent. 
Squire Wilhelm Timoteo Wolfgang von Ramnstein
Squire Wilhelm von Ramnstein arms: Per pale Argent and Or, a Dragon von Ramnstein between three Latin crosses clechy Vert. Squire Wilhelm von Ramnstein arms: Argent, a 'Dragon von Ramnstein' between three Latin crosses clechy Vert. Squire Wilhelm von Ramnstein arms: Per pale Argent and Or, three Latin crosses clechy in pile Vert.