The Kingdom of Terre Neuve 

Per pale Azure and Gules, a pale Argent and over all a crown Or The kingdom of Terre Neuve blue white and red streamerThe kingdom of Terre Neuve blue white and red streamer

The Kingdom of Terre Neuve

Fortis et Fidus

Strong and Faithful

The Populace of Terre Neuve
Heraldic imageAhlma Holgomoe  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAileen Bristow  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAlex  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAlex M.  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAngus McLean de McDonnon  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAnne Bryce of Kincraig  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAnthony  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageArtem  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAyana  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAyarei  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageAzrael of Anvard  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBabette Bryn Corey  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBartholomew  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBastian the Strong  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBeatrice von Ramnstein  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBjorn  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBrandy  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBrennon  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBrunulf Hjalmarrsson  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageBurke Duncan Campbel  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageCaitrina the Fearless  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageCallon Bryn Corey  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageCeleste Orla  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageCeridwenrose  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageCledwyn ap Llanrwst  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageCoda von Ramnstein  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageColette  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageCrimsome Nic Essus  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDaniel of Terre Neuve  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDenise Marie de Guillemet  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDenys Calais  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDestiney  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDonald Durnil  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDorthea McEwan  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDrakmar  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageDuck A L'Orange  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageEilish  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageElfred  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageElizabeth of Blackpool  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageElizabeth of Terre Neuve  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageEmma  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageEric  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageEric Svartr  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageErickson  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageErik Harbinger  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageEuguran LaCroix  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageFinn Au Donna  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageFiona  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageFrank  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageFreya Nic Essus  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageFyodor Tyrsson  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGail  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGemma Evangelista Borgia  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGeorge Pollock (ret.)  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGiovanni du Pace  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGiulianna de Messina  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGrayson  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGrenrad  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageGunborg Andersdotter  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageHamish  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageHarald  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageHiccup  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageIlan Corleone  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageInigo Caballero  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageIolar  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageIsabel McDonnon  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageIsabella Cristofori  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageIshild Drekidottir  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageJacques Ferbois  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageJane Snarling Beast  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageJason the Dirty  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageJeremy of Terre Neuve  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageJohan von Hohenstaufen  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageJulia de Figueiredo  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageKalysta  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageKara Jonsdottir  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageKatyana Belski  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageKodiak  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageKrys  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageLeif  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageLily von Ramnstein  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageLucille  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMadoc McDonnon  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMarianne Freydas  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMary  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMary Calais  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMeira Leigh Barca  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMichael McLean  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMikeal  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMillea The Haunted  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageJulia  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageMorgana  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageNadine Bryn Corey  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageNekros  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageNikolai Belsky  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageNottingham  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imagePadraigh McNeil  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imagePaul the Fox  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageRami  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageRayne  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageRobert  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageRowan Barca  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageSáId ibn Hammam  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageSheldon  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageSiegfried  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageSnarling Cub  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageSnow  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageStan the blacksmith  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageStefan Belski  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageTailan Bran McNeil  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageTairdelbach Clannach  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageTamara  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageTitus Draconis  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageTobias Bailey  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageUther von Hopf  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageValcoline  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageVampiress  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageVarrick  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageWalter  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageWarwick Steinhertz  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageWilhelm the Shakespearian  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageWilhelm von Ramnstein  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageWilliam Wolfwood  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageYazzmeen the Brave  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry
Heraldic imageZenda  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry  Estate heraldry