Estate Seat 1:Member: 1874
Dame Ishild Drekidottir
Members with no login: Rami Sorial, Samer Sorial, Draven Bailey and Malik Bailey in House Bailey Sorial. Eric and Elanore in House Eagles Roost
(0) events | Angus McLean de McDonnon |
(0) events | Michael McLean |
Eligible (3) events | Fyodor Tyrsson |
(0) events | (Estate) Giovanni du Pace |
(0) events | Siegfried |
(1) event | Kalysta |
(0) events | Marianne Freydas |
(0) events | Ayarei |
Eligible (10) events | Ishild Drekidottir |
Eligible (2) events | Nadine Bryn Corey |
(0) events | Tobias Bailey |
(0) events | (Estate) Brandy |
Eligible (2) events | Rami |