We greet you as your Crown, King Brunulf and Queen Gunborg.
Having completed our coronation; as we begin Our reign, we are looking forward to a fun filled, productive year of growth and game.
We plan to continue to promote all of the disciplines.
We have several young fighters who are developing well. We have some new and returning Archers which we of course hold dear. We have a new Arts and Sciences Minister who is looking forward to trying out her ideas. (Taking nothing away from the work done by past Ministers). And we welcome any and all who wish to help in service and Ministry to our Kingdom.
Thank you for your continued support!
In Service to the Dream and our KingdomThe Kingdom of Terre Neuve is a chapter of the Adrian Empire inc. occupying the geographic entirety of San Diego and Imperial Counties in Calilfornia, USA.
The Adrian Empire is a non-profit educational organization that re-creates history from the time frame of 793 to 1625 AD. This time frame covers what was known as the Middle Ages (Medieval) through the Renaissance period.
Every month we have tournaments which in addition to event service (we call it ministry) include unchoreographed Combat, Archery and Arts & Sciences competitions.
The Adrian Empire is an educational organization so we are often asked to run and participate in demonstrations at schools, libraries, renaissance faires, living history festivals and The San Diego Comic Convention.
If you would like to learn more about our Kingdom or any of our upcoming events please feel free to contact our Hospitaler.
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